K’s Art當代藝術空間
Department of Eyeball Experimentation
Solo Exhibition of Teng - Yuan , Chang
展期:2010 1/14~2/10
開幕茶會:2010 1/16(六) 14:00
開放時間:(三)~(日)14:00~20:00,周一.二 公休
地點:K’s Art當代藝術空間
地址: 台南市開山路122巷36弄19號(府中街97號巷內)
電話: 06-2215256
Department of Eyeball Experimentation
My main concern is to capture an airy experience with aimless experiment, and reflect the environment.
Department of Experiment Eyeball divided into three spaces of different experiment eyeball instruments. Each spaces contains one instrument(or scope),which are “Department of Experiment Eyeball-Optometry”, “Department of Experiment Eyeball-Trace” and “Department of Experiment Eyeball-Focus”. These instruments are metaphors of three modern visual experiences and three existing instruments, the optometry machine, the night-vision horoscope and the optometric assessment machine.
These instruments create a microcosmic landscape, and put the repetitive reconstructive of odd circumstances into some déjà vu visual experiences of the viewers. The viewers become users of these instruments, taking the exams these instruments are for. Of course, messages that could not be judged with instincts appear constantly, this takes the viewers somewhere between being the instrument user and their self-identity. With the intermittence deviant messages, the viewer can be occupied by the frame of the instrument in one minute, and regain their selfhood in another. The senses of dispersal from where they are, the airy, indescribable experiences between these places are what I am trying to capture here.Messages/hints appear constantly in the pieces, and these hints provide viewers directions and imaginations, but not the next step. It’s like the viewers are floating in the air, watching the world through some unknown instruments. If there is one single message in the frame, there are numerous unsaid messages and possibilities tacking places outside of it. The providing and voiding of messages is a kind of focus losing, it’s a way of sensing the focus is somewhere out there, a way of capturing airy experience, moreover, a reflection of the environment.